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How To Remove Bail Bond Lien On Property

How To Remove Bail Bond Lien On Property

July 19, 2023

Posting bail can be a complex process, especially in a situation where a defendant does not have the full bail amount, and results in securing a bond. One of the requirements of a bail bond company to a defendant when securing a bond is collateral. Once the defendant provides the collateral in the form of property, the bail agent proceeds to place a legal claim on the property. The legal claim is known as a bail bond lien.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look bail bond liens. We’ll define what bail bond liens are and how to remove a bail bond lien on a property.

Understanding Bail Bond Liens

Understanding Bail Bond Liens

A lien is a legal claim on assets used as collateral to pay a debt. A bail bond lien is a legal claim placed on a property by a bail bondsman. This typically happens when a defendant cannot afford bail and seeks out a reputable bail bond company to pay for it.

The lien acts as security for the bail bond company in two scenarios. One is when the defendant misses court proceedings and the bail bond company is required to pay the full bail amount. The other scenario is for the bail bond company to guarantee payment of services offered. Bail bond companies charge a non-refundable fee which is usually a percentage of the bail amount.

A bail bond lien is different from a property bond. A property bond is used to pay for the bail amount directly. In a bail bond lien, a bail agent uses the property to pay for bail should the need arise.

The Legal Implications of a Bail Bond Lien

The Legal Implications of a Bail Bond Lien

Bail bond liens can have long-lasting implications for the defendant and their claim of ownership of the property.

Here is a breakdown of the legal implications surrounding bail bonds in California.

Property Rights Restriction: While the lien is in effect, the property owner may be restricted from selling, transferring, or refinancing the property.

Damaged Credit Score: If the bail bond lien is not handled quickly, it may have a negative influence on the defendant’s credit score, making future loans or mortgages difficult to get.

Potential Property Loss: Failure to address the lien may result in legal action, including possible foreclosure or sale of the property to satisfy bail obligation.

Process of Removing a Bail Bond Lien

Once the court proceedings are done and the defendant receives full reconveyance, the bail bond company removes the lien on the property after receiving full payment of their fees. However, this process is not always straightforward. Here is how to go about it.

Step-by-step guide on how to remove a bail bond lien

Ensure you have all the important documents:

Step-by-step guide on how to remove a bail bond lien

There are four documents required to remove a bail bond lien on a property. One is the deed of trust, which is the financial agreement between the defendant and the bail agent. The second document is the full reconveyance, which is a document issued by the court to the defendant after attending all court appearances and fulfilling the court’s obligations. It is proof that the bail amount has not been forfeited. The third is the property deed, which is used to establish ownership of the property. The fourth document is the receipts that prove the payment of the bail bondsman’s non-refundable fee. These documents are proof that due diligence was followed and you might need to submit them to the bail bond company for them to lift the lien.

Verify Lien compliance:

Ensure that the bail bond company adhered to all the laws and regulations when issuing the bail bond property lien. This can be done by seeking out a qualified attorney to review the lien.

Contact the bail agent:

Contact the bail agent if the bail bond lien has not been removed despite meeting all the requirements. If the bail agent is encountering difficulties removing the lien, then you should proceed to the next step.

File a petition to nullify a wrongful lien:

File a petition to nullify a wrongful lien:

Ensure you seek the services of a qualified attorney in this step and include all the required documents in your letter of petition.

Attend a Court Hearing:

A court hearing will be scheduled if your motion is granted. Attend the hearing and state your case with the help of your attorney. Ensure you have the necessary proof to support the lifting of the lien.

Obtain a court Order:

If the court rules in your favor, an order will be issued to have the bail bond lien removed.

Record the court Order:

Ensure that the court order is recorded in the public records at the appropriate government office for real estate records.

Verify Lien removal:

Confirm with the county recorder’s office to ensure that the bail bond lien has been successfully removed from the property’s record.

Notify Credit Agencies:

Once the lien has been lifted, notify the necessary credit agencies to amend your credit score.

Exploring possible challenges and how to overcome them

Exploring possible challenges and how to overcome them

A few challenges may come up in the process of removing the bail bond lien on the property.

One challenge is when the bail bond company encounters difficulty removing the lien. This happens when there are procedural errors, or if the defendant’s legal status changes like filing for bankruptcy. Seek out a qualified attorney to guide you on the necessary steps to take especially if you have fulfilled all the requirements and provided the title company with all the necessary documents.

If this process proceeds to court, legal proceedings, including hiring an attorney, can be quite costly. It is important to discuss the attorney’s fees upfront and also understand the potential costs before starting the process for better preparation.

If the lien affected your credit score, contact a credit report company to amend your credit record. Ensure you have all the required documents, and follow up for updates.

Prevention and Best Practices

To prevent a bail bond lien from being placed on your property, there are a few measures an individual can take.

Showing up for all court and post-bail proceedings is a sure way of preventing a bail bond lien. Ensure you attend all court proceedings after being released on bail to prevent bail forfeiture.

Ensure you cover the bail agent’s non-refundable fee. A bail agent typically charges 10% of the bail amount as a non-refundable fee. Have a payment structure with the bail agent to ensure you cover the bail agent’s fee.

If possible, when you are in a situation where bail is required, You can opt to secure bail through other bail types like cash bail or personal recognizance.

Understanding your jurisdiction’s laws will also come in quite handy. Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations surrounding bonds and liens in California.


Finally, understanding the complexities of bail bond liens is critical for anyone who is in a scenario where collateral is utilized to secure bail. If not addressed swiftly, these liens can have serious legal consequences, such as restricting property owners’ rights, harming credit scores, and even leading to property loss.

Removing a bail bond lien on commercial property necessitates a rigorous, step-by-step process that includes key paperwork and compliance verification. When difficulties develop, it is best to get legal advice to properly manage the complexities of the procedure.

To avoid bail bond liens, it is critical to cooperate with trustworthy bail bond agents, attend all court sessions, and pay the bail agent’s fee on time.

To ensure that you have a seamless bail bond removal process, it is important to deal with a qualified bail bond company from the onset of acquiring bail. This helps to ensure that your bail bond removal process is quick and there are no unnecessary delays or procedural errors.


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